by Heather Blakey
The Six of Swords keeps leaping out of my deck, telling me what I know to be true. I have endured much, yet there is a stillness and serenity which has come after the crisis of my mother's decline and death.
I sit looking, rather wistfully at all the swords. There is no mistaking that it has been a difficult time. But, somehow, I now understand the pattern of life, have seen and come to understand, know how I have been the architect of my own fate
The Six of Swords does not provide options or influence my choices. Drawing the Six does not change any of the external situations that have impacted on my life. Rather, it helps me to see why I am on this particular road at this particular time. All the Six of Swords does is shows me what is and has been.
I look at the Swords, sip my drink and contemplate the fact that the swords are not piercing my body or weighing me down.
All things remain possible. I could, perhaps pick up one sword as protection and head off, armed with a trusty copy of Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualization.
Perhaps I will make a treasure map which depicts me not surrounded by swords but filling cups instead.